Week in Review-
Not a whole lot of news this past week as we have completed the first 3 weeks of Off Season Training and have 3 more weeks to go.
The first 3 weeks of our off season training focused on physical preparations. A lot of work on Sprinting, Improving endurance, and explosive soccer strength in the weight room.
As we transition to the last 3 weeks of Off-season training our focus now shifts to Technical and tactical training. This is a a time of intense focus and competition as Lady Rangers have the opportunity to improve on individual and team aspects of their growth while competing for playing opportunities and roles within the program next season.
Few positional names are written in Stone, so the opportunity to compete and shine will be presented each and every training session. There will be good days and there will be bad. Just remember it's not about your performance on one day but rather your collective performance over an extended period.
3 Things to focus on
1) Be Present- Show up early, stay late, and demonstrate a desire to be a part of the group.
2) Someone is always watching- whether in the courtyard, lunch room, passing period, grades, parking lot, weight room, or practice field, someone is always watching and evaluating you. Maintain high standards in everything you do.
3) Be in control of the things you can control- Effort, enthusiasm, encouragement - these are things that no coach or teammate can control but that every coach and teammate wants to be around. It's such a huge part of the success of any program. Be a Great Teammate.
The Week Ahead-
A day Ranger Red- Technical & Tactical Training - Focus- Splitting lines
B day Black - Weight Room - Strength & Conditioning- Focus Core Strength
A day Ranger Grey- Technical & Tactical Training - Focus Speed of Play
B day Black - Weight Room - Strength & Conditioning -Focus on Steady State Aerobic Capacty
A day Ranger Red - Technical & Tactical Training- Playing in the Final Third
Physicals and Concussion Training-
Attached below are fliers with information regarding Physicals and the new Concussion testing on the Sway App.
Physicals- Will only be offered between 8am - 12pm on May 12th. Cost is $20
You may Purchase your tickets; Ticket Link for Physicals
Sway App- You will need to go to the app store and download the Sway Medical App. That is all. It requires a code for you to test and you will receive that on the day of testing. After the test you will be able to delete the app from your phone.
Team Time-
Something that was consistently brought up in our end of year interviews was how much everyone enjoyed our team time, team bonding and team dinners this past season. I'd encourage everyone to find some time to maintain and plan those get togethers between now and the end of the school year,
Three opportunities for you to get together this week.
1) Lady Ranger Softball- Area Championships- Go Support our Lady Rangers in Round 2 of the State Playoffs.
2) Ranger Baseball- finished 2nd in District and will have their Bi-District Championship matchups later this week.
3) Henry and Stiles Soccer- Stiles plays Danielson at Stiles on Wednesday and Henry plays at Leander MS. Game Times B- 5:30 / A - 6:30
Looking forward to another Great Week of Training- Still a lot of Testing this week as well as, crazy weather forecasts. Please be prepared and flexible.
Let's Go Lady Rangers!