The Week in Review
This week the Lady Rangers only had one game as they took on the McNeil Lady Mavs on Friday night.
The JV tied McNeil 1-1 while the Varsity Lady Rangers secured in a 2-1 Victory in another tough District Match Up. The Lady Rangers have two crucial games this week as they continue their pursuit of the playoffs.
Friday we also got to host our Henry Hawks MS soccer team on Future Lady Ranger Night. Their season starts in a few weeks and we look forward to getting to support them soon.

The Week Ahead
Monday- B Day Black- JV 2-4 pm Grass, Varsity 2-4 pm Gupton
Tuesday- At Cedar Ridge
JV 5:30 - White - Bus Will leave 4:15 pm
Varsity 7:30 - White - Bus will leave at 5:45 pm
Wednesday -Team Time - BSH 2:00-3:30
Thursday - A Day Red - 2:00 - 4:00 - Gupton
Friday - Senior Night vs Manor @ Gupton
JV 5:30 - Red
Varsity 7:30 - Red

Tuesday - Freebirds - Order Deadline is 1:30 pm Monday.
Friday - Corner Bakery - Order Deadline is 1:30 pm Thursday
Senior Night
Friday Night we will honor our Eleven Seniors.
Alexis Morrison, Julia Ramsey, Ryleigh Denzin, Lily Vandiver, Brecken Rider, Katelynn Lyle,
Bailey Huner, Delia Kreshnefski, Chloe Christian, Miranda Maldonado, and Evie Lopez.
Parents & Family will join us on the sideline at 7:15 pm to escort your Senior on to the Field at Gupton. After the game, we will all head back across the street to the BSH for our Senior Reception.
Senior Parents- You will have access to the BSH at 5 pm to assist with decorating. Seniors will have a designated table in which you can decorate and celebrate your 2025 Graduate.
During the post game reception, A Senior video will be shown and the Lady Rangers will honor our Senior Class. Senior Parents if you have not done so, please send in your pics for the Senior Video. Thank you.
And Finally-
It's hard to believe we are coming into the last few week's of this season. With 4 games remaining it is an unbelievably tight race for the final playoff spot. Every game and every point, at this junction matters. It's going to be an intense final couple of weeks. It's the beauty, the heartache, and the joy of why we compete and we know that the Lady Rangers are ready and prepared to give everything they have to finish this year strong.
Let's Get those 3 points, and Let's Go Lady Rangers.