Week in Review
This past week saw both JV & Varsity in very competitive matches with McNeil and Westwood. JV split the points with McNeil on Tuesday 1-1 and fell to Westwood Friday night 0-4. Varsity picked up 3 points on Tuesday with a 2-1 victory over McNeil and then fell in a hotly contested match 1-4 on Friday to Westwood.
Our District is one of the two toughest districts in all of Central Texas, for girls soccer. The teams in our District are always State Ranked and have eyes on advancing to Regionals and beyond. In a district with this much competition and parity, it is incumbent that we maximize our preparation time each and every day. We are at the point of the season where we are shortening the physical training sessions due to our two games per week, but we need to make sure that we are present and participating in every session, if able, whether that be the in the film room, in the weight room, or on the field. We understand that injuries are a part of the process, and that rehabilitation in the training room is an important part of getting back physically to participate. But when rehab is done, it's also important to be present for film sessions and field sessions. As a member of the team you need to be there to watch, learn, and participate in other capacities.
The Week Ahead
Ranger Red- 2:15-4:15 JV & Varsity
@Stony Point
JV 5:30 Bus will leave at 4:15
Varsity 7:30 Bus will leave at 6:00
Both teams will be in White tops, black shorts and white socks
National Signing Day 7:30AM Big Gym - Margot Beacom Trine University
Ranger Grey-
JV 2:15-3:35
V: 3:30-4:30
Grass Black- 2:15-4:15 JV & Varsity
Home game vs Manor
JV 5:30
Varsity 7:30
Uniform Combinations will be communicated through SportsYou and at Practice on Thursday.
Please click on the sponsors link above to visit our Amazing supporters.
Final Thoughts from Coach-
We would like to invite All Lady Rangers and Supporters to come to the Big Gym on Wednesday morning at 7:30 am as we honor all of the athletes signing their Letters of Intent to continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level.
We will be celebrating Margot as she signs with Trine University in Fort Wayne, Indiana to play college Hockey.
Please make sure your Notification settings for SportsYou are turned on and working this week. We are forecasted to have Rain and possibly Wintery mix. This can cause major disruptions to game and practice schedules. In some instances we may not know of changes until just a few hours before. Please be vigilant in checking SportsYou as I will update any changes, cancellations, or reschedules as soon as I find anything out.

And Lastly, this little nugget... (Credit to KevinPaulScott)
Let’s start with cows. Did you know that the natural reaction for a cow when it senses a storm coming is to run away from it? If the storm is moving from west to east, the cow will move further east, trying to outrun the storm. Here’s the problem: cows are slow. The storm will always catch up to them. And because the cow continues to try to run away from the storm, it will actually spend more time in the storm than if it had just stood still and never moved at all.
A buffalo takes a totally different approach. When a buffalo senses a storm coming, it moves toward it. If the storm is moving from west to east, the buffalo moves west and will move headfirst into the storm. Because the buffalo is going one direction as the storm is moving the opposite way, it will end up spending far less time in the storm than the cow.
When approaching conflict, I’m not saying it’s good to be a bull (or a buffalo) in a China shop. A love for conflict and a desire for constant confrontation is not a good thing.
But this example of the cow and the buffalo is meant to remind us of this principle: when we see a challenge and are willing to face it head on, the consequences are fewer and the resolution comes more quickly.
Soccer Season can be seen as a metaphor for our preparation in Life.
The Storm represents trials, difficulties, disappointments, and all those things that don't go our way or make our life difficult. Maybe they are stress, grades, work, relationships, or losses. The storm is anything that causes you stress and prevents you from being the best you; you can be.
The buffalo and the cow each represent our choices and how we choose to deal with these storms. Are you going to run from them? Are you going to grow tired and weak from running away from something difficult, thus making the storm even worse because you can not physically and mentally face it?
Or, Like the buffalo are you going to face it head on, at full strength? Are you going to run towards the storm knowing that by facing it head on, you will get through it much faster and much stronger ready to enjoy what comes on the other side?
So this week: I encourage you and challenge you to Turn around. Face the conflict you’ve been running away from, And meet your next challenge head on. No matter what the challenge is; Games, practice, school, or work, approach it with the mindset that you are in control and you are going to be stronger and better for getting through it, rather than running away from it.
Two Big Opportunities to win District Games This Week!
Let's Go Lady Rangers!