Weekly News-
It was great getting to be back together this week. We have a lot of new faces, as there are currently 56 Lady Rangers in the soccer class. This past week we had the opportunity to get to know one another a little better, learn about the coaches and the program, and spend some time reflecting and goal setting on what we want to accomplish this season. There was a lot of excitement amongst the group and we cannot wait to get started tomorrow.
Rally at the Ridge!
It's Hard to believe but here we go Again!
Rally at the Ridge is this Wednesday evening at Gupton Stadium. This is our annual Kick-Off Celebration for all of Ranger Nation to come out and support Vista Ridge High School.
Here is the Schedule of Events
6:00 pm Arrive at Gupton
6:15 pm Lady Ranger Soccer Class Pictures
6:30 pm Line Up for Introductions
6:45 pm Announcements/Pep Rally Begins
Pep Rally will end (Approximately) 7:30 pm after the Wiggalo and School Song
Attendance is not mandatory for this event, HOWEVER, you only get to participate in this event 4 times in your life, and it truly is one of your Core High School Experiences and memories, so you are highly encouraged to attend.
Also if you are a multi Sport athlete you may get back in line and go through with multiple groups. Also you may leave early if you need to.
Weekly Schedule
Monday- B day Black
Tuesday- A day Red
Wednesday- B day White
Thursday- A day Red
Friday- B day Black
Friday 2 Mile Run
This Friday we host the Vista Ridge Cross Country Invitational
If you would like to use this XC meet to run your 2 mile time trial you may.
Please let me know if you are interested by Wednesday.
Team Store-
I am expecting the link to go live this week. As soon as it does I will send out the link and the store will be live for 2 weeks so we can order practice gear.
Please make sure all paperwork is complete and submitted. You will not be allowed to work out with the team until you are cleared in Rankone. Lady Rangers not compliant by this Friday will be dropped from the class, unless approved by the coaching staff.
Make sure to have locks for lockers
Make sure you are dressed and in BSH by 2:10 pm everyday
Make sure to have cleats and flats everyday
Make sure to bring water bottles everyday (the water cows are not always out)
Make sure to bring sunscreen
Make sure to be a great teammate and bring a great attitude everyday
This is going to be a great year and It all kicks off this week!
Let's Go Lady Rangers!